koa-cola is a SSR/SPA solution framework.
On the server side, koa-cola support SSR(Server Side Render), which using react as a template component and render view to client.
On the client side, js bundle base on react-router and redux and run as SPA(Single Page Application) architecture.
either SSR or SPA has each cons and pros, but when they work together in koa-cola, then you will have both pros and avoid cons.
SPA of course have better user experience, but it is bad for search engine.
develop SSR/SPA by using koa-cola, we don't need to care about the code we are writing whether need to be running in SSR or SPA. actually they run in both environment like react component/redux/ajax. what you care about is only business logic. koa-cola will resolve issues in these different environments.
let us take codes below for example
The react component is using Cola decorator to initialize data in the koa-cola project.
- In SSR mode, before page loaded, koa-cola will fetch data first in server side, then render html to client.
- In SPA mode, like when click
in browser, koa-cola will call fetch api in browser, then re-render the component in client side.
so yes, you can see the codes above demostrate that both client and server side use react/redux/fetch.